Pregnancy Ticker

Telling the Parents

I don't think I have ever had to do something as terrifying as picking up the phone and calling my mum and telling her all about the Big P word. Im not the kind of daughter that can hide much for long for my mummy dearest, so it only took until the next day after finding out to tell her. Man though, I am THE biggest baby, this is vaguely how the conversation went down...

"Hi Mum, how are you?"
"How was your day?"
"Good....why are you ringing me for?"
"Oh no reason."
"So you called me for no reason?"

*Queue the waterworks* (I told you I'm a big baby)

"You can't hate me!"
"Of course i wont hate you. Can you just bloody tell me what's going on?!?!"
"Preg...ggg....n...*choaking sob*annnt!"

And then after a wee while I managed to calm down and we spoke of the serious stuff, what are you going to do? Are you positive? Its not a shameful thing you know, the other option. To having to talk in code as my little sisters (twins!!) think they're friggin psychics and start asking mum if I'm oregnant and why did mum say daycare if I'm not? "Doggy day care" mum says ;) nice save. She even beat me to buying WB it's first item of clothing! A blue hat (wishful thinking maybe?)

My mum doesn't show much emotion in the way of dancing around the room or crying hysterically but I knew she was stoked, even if that meant she was a grandma at the ripe old age of 47. But, the best reaction would be from DPs side.

He called his parents straight after I finished talking to mum, first up was his mum, nothing major to report? Maybe a little shell shocked (join the club!) but overall not disappointed etc and she tells us that DP needs to tell his dad. "No mum you do it blah blah blah", she wasn't having any of that, so she put him on speaker with his dad and DP shared the news again. Tears. Literally. His dad cried when he heard the news. Even after 2 grandchildren before this impending one, he was so so so happy.

Best. Reaction. Ever.

I saw them for the first time last night after telling them the news and even though I'm only 8 weeks he started rubbing my tummy! I said its not the baby sticking out its just my gut, it's been there a while. I've been warned that in the coming months he's going to be rubbing my belly like its a genie, as long it's accompanied by cocoa butter to ward off the stretch marks too, I'm down.


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