Pregnancy Ticker

What the F have I done?

Nothing ever goes to plan does it? At 21 I thought I had my life all planned out. Great fiancé, cute dog, full time job, part time time studies, everything.

But, life had other plans for me in the form of two, terrifying pink lines.

A baby.

This wasn't part of my plan, well not my immediate plan anyway. I wanted a house first, I wanted to pay off all my debts, my Dotting Partner (or DP for short) to have paid off all of his debts and have finished studying. That is obviously not how life (or karma) works. To be honest we played a game of sperm/egg Russian roulette, for the last year I had stopped taking the pill and being as naive as we are, we never used protection. Talk about getting comfortable (and lazy), this is what 3 and a half years does to a couple!!!

It's not all bad. At first I thought e was no way in hell that we would be able to keep Wee Bean (WB for short, getting the picture ;) ), once again coming back to the wholes"life plan", we aren't ready for is kind of commitment! A dog is hard enough, shes already like our child, I may be 21 but I still feel like I'm 16 (Hello? Is that MTV?), I'm too selfish, I have to look after a 23 year old baby by ways of feeding him and clothing him. This is just waaaay to much.

I was the kind of girl that always said that if it happened to me I would get rid of it, no questions asked, book me in. Then it happens, and along comes Google. Seriously, I googled it. Not something I would recommend (and something, after telling a couple of close friendsy warned me not to do, after I had already done it), thanks to the combined efforts of Google and Wikipedia, my mind was made up. I couldn't possible bring myself to do that! Im not saying I'm against it because everyone is their own person and has the right to make there own decisions, but personally I do not like the thought of it.

So, after a ton of crying, which never stops by the way, I had come to the decision to keep my WB on board.

Welcome to a lifetime of unconditional love. A one way ticket to motherhood. There is no turning back. You're fucked.


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