Pregnancy Ticker

The Big C

Yep, that Big C, the one that destroys families and the lives of innocent people every single day. The disease that has no cure, just methods to keep it at bay. You're probably thinking why this even relevant to a blog that is about my journey through pregnancy. Well, as unfortunate as it is to say, DPs dad has the Big C.

It's been almost 2 years that we found out, but even though it was a shock and a cause of great sadness, I don't think it has ever slowed him down. He works 365 days a year (I'm not even joking, we don't go up for christmas until lunch time after he's finished work), he runs their small lifestyle block and never ever stops even though he's nearing the 65 mark and year of retirement.

So, again, what does this really have to do with WB? I think it has always been in the back of mine and DPs head, how much time does he have? Will he ever see DPs child? Be able to run around after him? Dote on him like his 2 other grandchildren? I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it definitely helped cement the decision that we were going to make a go of this. We want him to meet his grandchild, we want him to run around after him and we want him to dote on him like his other grandchildren and I'm really really glad we can give him this.

As above, I mentioned how he never stops. His cancer doesn't either. What they thought was just Prostate cancer, had spread even further. He didn't have time to go to the doctors and before this I don't think I ever saw him sick, and because he never had check ups etc it had just spread through his body, hence the "we don't really know how much time he has". But I'm 100% sure that because he is a fighter will he see his grandchild born and grow up for a long time.


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